Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wait... who's view are we talking about?

I was hoping to avoid this... but I just can't. I must now blog about political issues!

Do you remember when Rosie O'Donnell was on "The View"? My Mom does. When all the craziness was going on with those women... my Mom got right on board. She would report to me when I got home from work about how crazy Rosie, Joy, and Barbra were that day. My mom LOVED Elizabeth though. I wanna give a flippin' sweet high five to my girl Elizabeth Hasselbeck. She is the BOMB!

A few days ago she got into an argument over the use of the "N-word". Let me preface this with I honestly love black people. I think they're fun and I think race seriously is only skin deep. Whoopie decides to take the stance that black people are allowed to use the N-word but white people cannot. She says that it's appropriate for black people to use N-word, but offensive when white people use it. Wait... WHAT?! Whoopie then goes on a tirade about how her grandmothers oppression gives her and her culture the right to use the word (or at least that's seems to be her justification). Does this make any sense to people? Let me give you all my thoughts:

When African-Americans were oppressed in the United States, they were not allowed to do different kinds of things that white people were allowed to do. Restrooms, water fountains, vote, basic freedoms are all examples of this. It was a very dark chapter for our country. The change occurred when people realized (or didn't) that when you segregate people based on race, you discriminate against them. You take away their dignity. Why does an American culture, that is founded out of the roots of a race, say that another race cannot do something they can do? Isn't that the same kind of discrimination that they fought so hard to destroy?

I say that people who use that kind of language deserve the stereotype of racial ignorance. No matter what race they are. Don't believe me, see and judge for yourself:

Elizabeth Hasselbeck is amazing. I think she is a pioneer for women all over this country. We need more women to stand up and call ignorance and selfishness in a culture what it is.